April 6, 2010

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

Filed under: misc,Politics and history — Duchess @ 2:21 pm

After months of nursing the worst kept secret in Europe, Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown finally revealed the next general election date.

First he had to visit the Queen to get her permission to dissolve Parliament.  Since “dissolve” sounds a bit drastic (and possibly painful) the press usually turns that verb into a noun, and instead explains that the PM asks HM for a “dissolution”. 

Never mind.  It amounts to the same thing: the Prime Minister takes a flash car to Buckingham Palace, bows to Her Majesty (who, like everyone else, has known for months what’s coming) and before you can say Peter Mandelson, everyone is melting.

And now I’ve got to work out how to get a vote, non-person that I have become, ever since I moved onto my boat.  My tenants will be registered at my address and they will have removed my name, assuming I would re-register elsewhere. 

The problem is, my boat has no address…  And, though I get parcels and deliveries at the pub, I don’t think I can claim to be resident there.  Once upon a time only landowners could vote in this country.  It still seems to be true that only people with addresses can.

Meanwhile my Baby will be a first time voter this election, and she is very keen.  She has signed up to volunteer for the Liberal Democrats.  Her father says she can put up posters in the windows of his house in north Oxford.  He is wondering if that will cost him business as an economist-for-hire, but he’s willing to take the risk.  His beloved grandmother was an early 20th century member of the Liberal party, and nostalgia beats billable hours.

As for me, though I voted in the European elections last year, this will also be my first general election.  I became a British citizen a few weeks too late to vote last time. So I asked my Baby to find out from her Lib Dem organiser friends how her homeless mother could be franchised.

She declined.  She thoroughly disapproves of the way I live, and when I ask why, she gives me a long list, beginning: 1. You shouldn’t risk drowning when you cross the threshold in the morning.

Right.  I’ve got until 6 May to work out how, and for whom, to cast my vote. 

When it is all done, dissolving will make way for kissing of hands.  There’s nothing in the world like British politics.  What larks!


  1. We go through a lot of the same malarkey, here in Canada, since HM Her Nibs is our Head of State too. Some small differences – we don’t dissolve Parliament, we prorogue it (try pronouncing that after a few glasses of wine!) and this is the first I’ve heard of kissing hands. Can’t see our lot going in for much of that, somehow. Canadian politicians are always raising howls of outrage from the grubby denizens of Fleet Street for daring to touch Her Nibs, or shake her regal mitt; not enough kowtowing to suit their high falutin’ tastes. Good luck with registering to vote; I suspect it’s not so much landowning they want nowadays, as evidence of paying council rates. I do hope that the price you pay for going “off grid” is not your right to vote!

    Comment by Tessa — April 6, 2010 @ 2:38 pm

  2. I have absolutely no idea what either of you just said, but it’s fascinating all the same.

    Comment by Jan — April 6, 2010 @ 3:20 pm

  3. Here in the states, we have post office boxes that people can use as their addresses!

    Comment by middle-aged-woman — April 6, 2010 @ 4:21 pm

  4. How do people in Venice vote?

    Comment by Lavenderbay — April 6, 2010 @ 4:59 pm

  5. Do you have absentee ballots in the UK?
    Somehow I just have a feeling that the solution to this problem will also turn into a fascinating read in your hands!

    Comment by Liz — April 6, 2010 @ 6:21 pm

  6. good voter-registration idea about giving evidence of paying your council rates (or whatever passes for where they send your tax bill). something like that.
    really, i don’t know why the voting people there are so sniffy about addresses. my oldest lives in scotland in the countryside, and they just use the name of their house as their address. no number, no street name or number. so maybe you could just say you lived in “Pea Green Boat, Middlebury on Avon, Wessex” (ha..). best of luck…you’ve got three days.

    Comment by M.E. — May 2, 2010 @ 12:47 am

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