November 5, 2008

Bob the Builder (not to be confused with Joe the Plumber)

Filed under: misc,Politics and history — Duchess @ 2:20 pm

When I went to work today (late!) it was obvious that the Europeans thought last night’s result in America was good for the world.

Obama came as something of a surprise over here as well as over there. The Labour Government courted Hillary, and, hell, under her Presidency the Special Relationship, which defines US/UK diplomacy was all in the bag, since Bill was a known commodity, and she was sure to be his gal.

Meanwhile the Conservatives cautiously, and I suspect somewhat reluctantly, plumped for McCain, though they were probably secretly hoping for Hillary too. In British eyes McCain has always seemed a wee bit unbalanced, though undoubtedly brave. Palin, I am afraid, looked simply like the Europeans worst nightmare of the American Dream: Anybody (anybody, italics meant to cite the Saturday Night Live sketch) could grow up to be President. Palin only reinforced what has been Republican, courtesy of Bush 2, laughing stock. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I assure you this was not the way out media. This was day to day BBC.

But as of last night both Labour and Conservative are loving Obama. That is, the Prime Minister is barely capable of looking you in the eye, and there are rumours that he is in Asperger’s Syndrome Ecstasy over all those lovely numbers in the Credit Crunch. So his loving Obama is kind of a relative term. Meanwhile the Tories (= Conservatives) have dropped McCain like a stone. What? Did we like him? Just now the Tory leader, who is just the teensiest bit inexperienced because Labour has been in power a long time, is shouting about Obama’s victory as proof positive that the Brits need a new guy too, never mind the PM saying this is no time for learning on the job.

Nevertheless, for every one of us, right or left, there was one bit of last night’s speech that really was a problem. That was the part where everyone chanted “Yes we can!”  The new President even finished with the slogan.   

Never mind that in Europe we are especially nervous, for good reason, about a quarter of a million — or more — people repeating a chant, right on cue, because once upon a time Fascism had a real hold here and we are sensitive to anything that sounds like that.

In this case, fortunately, it only makes us giggle. And that was even before Joe the Plumber came on the scene.  

When Barack has his reelection campaign I hope he will assign his sweet daughters to check out European children’s television and vet his slogans better.  (All through the campaign I kept expecting the slogan to be quietly dropped — and apologies if this is old news. I didn’t post on it before because I thought it must be.)

Okay, in case you have missed it and haven’t a clue what I am talking about, I give you Bob the Builder. Keep listening til the singing starts. And if you keep it going after that for more than about thirty seconds, you will know why “Yes we can!” makes us want to scream.


  1. Duchess, I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Sarah Palin and here’s why:
    1. What is America ‘s first line of missile interceptor defense that protects the entire United States ?
    49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard.
    2. What is the only National Guard Unit on permanent active duty?
    49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard.
    3. Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard?
    Governor Sarah Palin
    4. What U.S. governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security and counter terrorism?
    Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska
    5. What U.S. governor has a higher classified security rating than either Obama or Biden?
    Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska
    My own cousin is retired military and works for a private corporation that works side by side with the U.S. Military and he makes numerous trips to Alaska each month because that IS where the US defense is most important. I think Brits need to do their homework on this woman.

    Comment by MLS — November 5, 2008 @ 5:01 pm

  2. 1) Your Bob has an accent. Adorable. Our Bob ( does not.
    2) At one point the crowd was technically chanting “Yes We Did” as an alternative to “Yes We Can.” So they shook it up a little.

    Comment by TheQueen — November 5, 2008 @ 9:07 pm

  3. Janie, I really wasn’t meaning to give my opinion on Sarah Palin. I was remarking on what seemed to be the mainstream media view over here. Whether they did the kind of homework you certainly have done is quite another question. I guess if McCain’s prediction, that she will be an important new voice, is correct then they are going to have to do some more research on the Governor of Alaska.
    Your Highness, I wasn’t sure you had a Bob, because ours is clearly Brit… I wonder which came first? But thanks for letting me know about the Obama crowd chant. I didn’t catch the nuance.

    Comment by Duchess — November 6, 2008 @ 10:59 am

  4. When I used the term “your” I was meaning Brits as a whole since that’s how you termed it. I wasn’t aiming that at you. Sorry if you took it that way. 🙂

    Comment by MLS — November 6, 2008 @ 2:48 pm

  5. Duchess, from my perspective in the State of Maine, USA, the most surprising event in two years of campaigning was the speech McCain gave to his dissappointed supporters after he conceeded the election. He was graciousness personified; I thought to myself, there is a man who is glad he didn’t get elected to the highest office in the land at such a calamitous moment. Obama’s victory got him off the hook.
    Reading your blog transports my awareness to another world. Imagine having a daughter in Uganda in times like these. Thank you for your sharing. SP

    Comment by Steve from Planet Earth — November 7, 2008 @ 4:18 pm

  6. From what I’ve heard, Americans living abroad are walking a lot taller these days. But I too keep thinking of where your daughter is walking around–and hope you will update every now and then that she’s doing great.

    Comment by Darryle — November 9, 2008 @ 1:36 pm

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